6am we started the day with a shower and Mark gave her a massage
while I finished showering. Mark was pretty helpful throughout the
day and took her sometimes and even managed to get her to sleep once.
Problem was she only had one or two 1/2 hour sleeps and a whole bunch
of 5 minute ones. She just can't seem to settle and keeps moving and
jerking around. We tried all sorts of things, wrapping, unwrapping,
falling alseep sucking, rocking, cuddled, taken for a walk, kept quiet,
entertained. Nothing made her very happy for long. We spent the day
putting up curtain rails in the lounge and our two bedrooms, as the
horrible pink blinds get dirty so easily, scrape on the floor, are
difficult to clean and don't close properly.
She decided to go to mum's for the night as Mark had been invited out by friends up by mom and dad and we were then going up to visit and for Mark to attend basketball practice, tomorrow anyway. She then fell into a deep sleep 1/2 hour before we left and slept for the 1/2 drive up there too, but once we arrived, took another grumpy 2 hours to go to sleep again. Mum and dad reckon she was very hot.
I'm concerned she will pretty much only fall asleep on the boob now
and had been trying to break that habit, but at the moment I've decided
to just try to get over this hump and to just get her to sleep full
stop before trying to wean her off fallling to sleep feeding or needing
to be held while sleeping.