November 2007. 1


November 2007


Saturday 3/11/07 – Aunty Michelle (Mark’s sister) gets thrown from a horse in Toodyay and ends up with a broken leg (in three places) and plaster for the next 5 months.

Sunday 4/11/07 – Sarah got her 7th tooth – top left of the front teeth.   Julia has learnt to quickly change a scream of frustration into a grimace with clenched fists, which we far prefer, otherwise she gets sent to the bathroom.

Monday 5/11/07 – RC3 is a BOY!

Tuesday 6/11/07 – Sarah gets 12 months injections.   Julia is almost 27 months old and weighs 13.255 clothed, and is 92cm tall.   Sarah is almost 13 months old and weighs 8.454 fully clothed and is 75.5cm tall.   This means she can still face backwards in her car seat for safety.   Shame, Julia got to turn around at 4.5 months old, and just under 8kgs.  

Saturday 10/11/07 – Sarah started walking everywhere permanently sometime this past week, at about 12 months 3 weeks.   She says quite a number of words now: shower and toddles off to the shower when we tell her, ‘flower’ whenever she sees one, fishy sounds when she sees or hears us speak the word, ‘nana’ when she sees a banana, or when she’s hungry.   Numnumnum when she thinks food is yum.   Truck, Duck.

We went on a homeschooling camp in Guilderton in 39 degree weather, full sun and all females in family very sick – horrible adventure.

Monday 19/11/07 – Julia figures out all her me, my, mine, I words this past week or so, instead of using her name ‘Julia’.   E.g. That’s mine, give it to me, mum cuddle me, I want that, my baby, my bottle instead of That’s Julia’s, give it to Julia eg.   All so a sudden she sounds so grown up.

We're all still really sick, so we've been avoiding Michelle like a plague, plus I just can't find the energy to get out.   We've all got horrible chesty coughs, vomiting, diarrohea (spell?) bla de bla.   Mark took the girls to the park yesterday and came home shortly as Julia curled up in the corner of the sandpit and cried.   She complained of a sore ear and came home and went to bed very early.   We were finally off to the doctor today to get antibiotics for Julia, it's just getting too much for too long.   I'm still having such difficulty sleeping which is aiding to the vomiting.   House is a pig sty (more than usual).   Mark however has managed to avoid all sickness - I don't know how he does it.   He's working hard, very busy, a bit tired as up latish watching videos or programming for Brendan.   He goes on a LAN in 2 weeks.

We had a lovely call from Theresa (Mark’s sister in Canada with 6 children – 8 years and down) yesterday afternoon (I was sleeping, so Mark spoke to her for about an hour).   It was wonderful as we haven't heard from her since March, and before Raphaella was born in April.   She told us to slow down on the kids.   I think she's having a tiring time at the moment, and the homeschooling is basically Housework 101 permanently.  


Wednesday 21/11/07 - We went to visit Michelle this morning and she was desperate to get out for the day, so we took her shopping instead of continuing on to playgroup.   Poor thing walked on crutches from the front door to the electric wheel chairs (perhaps 100m) and was shot for the day, but had fun on the motorised shopping cart.   We then can home for lunch and everyone slept.   I went out to see Fra Elia (an amazing healer and stimatist and bilocutionist at St. Simon Peter Parish (if you end up in Melbourne any time over the next 2 weeks, see if you can get to see him - considered our modern day Padre Pio).   Mark took Michelle back to hospital and got her things as they'd found her a wheelchair and she could be discharged.   She came back for the next 2 nights as she has another appointment at a different hospital on Friday.  

Sarah choked on something in the evening while I was out and kept vomiting everytime she swallowed, and was vomiting blood every time, so he rushed her to PMH.   I got home to a party at about 10pm, with Michelles friends and kids here to help shower Michelle and Julia (Julia was having a great time).   And then went to swap with Mark at the hospital so he could come home and sleep, but they discharged Sarah and we all got to bed about 12am.  Sarah is very sad and sore today.   They xrayed her but couldn't see anything, and she eventually dislodged whatever it was and could swallow again without vomiting.  

Sickness the previous few weeks - I've had a bad cough for a month, and then Sarah got it and was up for a few nights, crying a lot, sore teeth, diarrhoea - from before we went camping.   Julia then got heat stroke we think while camping, had raging fever, very sleepy, vomiting every night.   She had vomiting about a week.   Julia caught the cough while camping and couldn't sleep lying down for a few night, which meant lots of sitting up cuddling her.  Then she got a really sore ear infection this past weekend and is now on antibiotics for that.   I'm just the usually bi-weekly vomiting from lack of sleep.   Just still having trouble sleeping.   Taking Polaramin 1-2 per week to get a bit of sleep, but not allowed to take it in the 3rd trimester, so only got 3-4 weeks left as am now 25 weeks pregnant.

Teresa has found out she's 7 weeks pregnant - hasn't told mum and dad yet, purely because she wants to do it in person and has been too sick to get over to visit them.   She's due early July, and is feeling very nauseous and has vomited once, so looks like she might have a rough time.   Finding it hard to keep eating food.  

Bill's wedding is in 6 weeks.

Thursday 22/11/07 – Sarah popped her 8th tooth – to add to her woes.

Friday 23/11/07 - Bernard brought kids down Friday evening and got picked up from here by his parents for his flight back to Melbourne on Sunday evening - Michelle did not feel she needed his help and didn’t want him to have to delay his flight and take any more time off work.   She then stayed the night at Kerry's and Kerry went back with her on Saturday and her husband picked her up Sunday (well that was the plan Friday evening).   Her friend Jo and her 2 kids are moving in with Michelle for the foreseeable future to help her out.   Silver chain will be doing grocery shopping and house cleaning.

Sarah's very sad, cries and needs to be hugged almost all day.   Sleep a lot which is good.   She's finally begun eating pureed things, yoghurt and ice-cream as little.   It took a day or so to even get her to drink properly, so it's slow going, she's not even too good at it now.   She's very skinny.   Today she tripped on the concrete and bit her tongue, cut her lip horribly and gave herself a grazed cheek and swollen lip to about double it's usual size, so consequently has virtually drunk nothing all day.   Julia is being a star, but has been calling me aunty Di and Mark aunty dad since Jeremy and Bianca were here last week.   It was great having Michelle as she was a captive audience for Julia last week, when I just had to cuddle and carry Sarah all day every day.